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Who teaches the classes?

One of the two qualified masters; Master Marcos or Master Silvia with 50 years of experience between them. The class is often assisted by trainee teachers with over two years of teaching experience. Master Marcos and Master Silvia studied with the same Capoeira master, Master Sombra of the Association of Capoeira Senzala of Santos, São Paulo, Brasil.

What do I need to wear?

Participants will be asked to wear a pair of tracksuit m88 Best Sports Betting Sitetrousers and a T-shirt when trying the lessons for the first time (shorts are not allowed).

The London School of Capoeira uniform won’t be required for the first 4-5 lessons attended during the classes for beginners. The LSCH uniform is required during the lessons for regulars after the end of the first workshop attended at the LSC.

Can I visit the school to watch a class?

You are welcome to visit the London School of Capoeira and observe a class. Please note that the LSCH masters will be available to answer any of your questions regarding the lessons at the end of the class.

Do I need to get fit before joining?

The honest answer is no. Capoeira lessons can sometimes feel challenging to some people, even to m88 online gamesthose who consider themselves fit. During our training, we use all muscle groups, therefore exercising parts of the body that were perhaps never used before. One can feel a little sore after the first class, but it won’t last long – it is actually a sign of your improving fitness. Students can develop at different stages and the masters of the LSCH are qualified to help and support the student during the first sessions here at the LSCH.

Is Capoeira a contact martial art form?

There are many styles of Capoeira and many approaches to the game. Some schools follow the martial arts aspect, with more emphasis on the fight and contact between the players, others focus more on the Capoeira tradition and development of the game.
At the London School of Capoeira, we, the masters, believe in guiding students to develop their physical abilities, technique, discipline, and respect for other fellow students during the training and game of Capoeira. The self-defense and self-preservation aspects are built into the training within a respectful training environment.

Can anyone join Capoeira?

Capoeira is open to everyone. We run lessons for children as young as 10, for teenagers, and adults. There is a place for everyone at the London School of Capoeira who wishes to learn and develop their physical abilities, rhythm, confidence, group work, and musicality.

We look forward to welcoming you to the LSC.

What is the School Timetable?

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Monday training: 7-8pm. Level: Beginners (basic techniques)

Monday training: 8-9 pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

Tuesday training 7-8pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

Tuesday Music Class: 8-9pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

Wednesday training: 7-8 pm. Level: Beginners (basic techniques)

Wednesday training: 8-9pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

Thursday training: 7-8pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

Thursday Training: 8-9pm. All levels after the completion of a beginner course

One to One session

We provide one-to-one lessons at our school in Finsbury Park and also at participant’s chosen locations.
Please contact us here at info@londonschoolofcapoeira.m88 online gamescom to check availability.

Course for children

One class per week during term dates, on Tuesdays from 7-8pm for children aged 10-14. Please check the next available dates here: /capoeira-classes

Other information


A polite note: If you need to take a break from Capoeira classes for any reason, kindly inform your masters.


In order to improve and benefit from the London School of Capoeira training, we recommend regular training every week.

Point of contact

Students are most welcome to contact one of the masters to discuss their development or any difficulty experienced in class.

Any other questions? Contact us